Series: Toto

Producer: Hal Roach

Stars: Armando Novello, Clarine Seymour, Bud Jamison, Margaret Joslin
Company: Pathé Exchange
Released: 08 September 1918
Length: 1 reel
Production No.: T-7
Filming dates: (see Trivia)
Rating: -/10

The Dippy Daughter

I do not own this title; no review available.

Also known as Hurry Back.
Both this film and production T-5 were filmed January 10-26, February 12-19, February 24 - March 1, March 8-14, March 18-26, 1918. It's probable that footage from the shortened T-5 was transferred to this film.
Also listed for September 28, 1918.

Armando Novello
Clarine Seymour
Bud Jamison
Margaret Joslin

This page was last updated on: 19 April 2022