Series: Snub Pollard

Producer: Hal Roach

Stars: Snub Pollard, Marie Mosquini
Company: Pathé Exchange
Released: 01 August 1920
Length: 1 reel
Production No.: H-39
Filming dates: May 27 - June 4, 1920
Rating: 3/10

Live And Learn

The damsel (Marie Mosquini) is determined to have a husband but doesn't appreciate the advances of one Professor Brainstorm. Snub is out posting up a billboard poster with Sunshine Sammy when he steps in a bucket of whitewash. He gets into his car and drives away, dumping the laughing Sammy on his arse. They drive off and stop at a barn where Snub pastes a large risque poster of a bathing beauty on a folding stable door. When a woman opens the top half of the door she draws stares and shock from onlookers who see her bottom half as the poster, revealing her to be half-undressed. We inexplicably switch to a cop covered in whitewash in the middle of the road challenging Snub over the unseen incident. But Snub manages to evade the cop and runs straight into Professor Brainstorm's office.
The professor, after some exaggerated handshakes with Snub, asks for him to take over for a while so Snub and Sammy get changed into some gym attire. Snub begins throwing around a large gym ball and hits a couple of guys who then throw it back. This begins a throwing war. In comes Reggie (the damsel's main squeeze - Noah Young) who is looking to even the score with the professor whom he believes is Snub. Reggie invites Snub to put on a pair of boxing gloves so that the two men can go at it. Snub puts them on his feet. Because he's stupid. Reggie smashes him in the face, hitting him repeatedly across the room until Snub overpowers his attacker with chloroform. When others come over to see what the fuss is all about Snub lays them all out as well. Snub then takes the damsel on his way out just for good measure.

Favourite bit
This gag involving the lady behind the stable door with the bottom half of a poster acting as her lower body did catch the eye!

Copyrighted August 28, 1920.
The gym is at the Professor Biceps' School Of Physical Culture.
There is this poster seen on the wall of a barn. Er, can you see what I see?!!
During the course of the short film Snub Pollard shakes hands with Bob O'Conor, Ernest Morrison and Noah Young.
One source lists Charley Chase as being in the film, though I didn't see him in the footage I was able to review. It is possible he may have also directed the film as well.
My opinion
One good gag and a whole load of usual Snub Pollard rubbish.

Snub Pollard
Marie Mosquini
The damsel
Ernest Morrison
Sunshine Sammy
Bob O'Conor
Professor Brainstorm
George Rowe
Sammy Brooks
Short man in road
Hughie Mack
Large man in gym
Noah Young
Chris Lynton
Shocked onlooker
Charley Chase


INTERTITLES (click image to enlarge)

(click any image to enlarge)

Dave Glass (footage)
Craig Calman (identification of Chris Lynton)

This page was last updated on: 16 June 2023