Harry Woods

born: 05 May 1889
Cleveland, Ohio,
United States of America
died: 28 December 1968
Los Angeles, California,
United States of America
(uremia, age 79)

Tall American actor, probably best remembered for playing mean villains. He appeared in over 250 films. Chuck Anderson at his B-Westerns.com site has a thoroughly researched biography of Harry. He says of Harry: "Sometime in the early 1920s, the family moved to Hollywood where Woods found non-acting work at the Hal Roach studio. The story goes that he was chosen to play a heavy in one of the Roach silents, and from then on, his career became movies ... mostly as a villain" (no source cited).
His first "listed" film is a 1923 western for Universal. Interestingly, in 1910 in his hometown in Ohio, he was selling women's hats in a millinery store!
Real name: Harry Lewis Woods
Height: 6'2"
Films listed on this page: complete Hal Roach filmography.


Hot Spot
Harry, Muriel's husband

Belligerent neighbor

Acknowledgements & sources:
Jim Jarvis (help)

This page was last updated on: 25 June 2019