As you all know, this website is completely free to use.... NOT abuse. I rely on donations from the work I do in order to keep the site going and to reimburse me for costs involved in its regular maintenance.
I strive to make this website as accurate as possible with factual information backed up by all known and used sources, including publications, websites and people who submit information to me. That is not to say that all of the information found on this website is error-free. It is very likely there are mistakes which I would be keen to rectify immediately should they be brought to my attention. I try my best to reference every piece of information published on this site which was obtained from other soures and credit its author accordingly.
All cast screenshots on this website, as well as title cards, credits etc. were made personally by myself. Posters, lobby cards, stills were either submitted to me for publication (I have credited them where known) by several people, or I have used from internet searches. If you discover an image published on this site which you believe yourself to be the owner/original uploader of and I have not credited you please contact me and I will be more than willing to rectify this.
There are several hundreds of people who respect this website and the hours I invest into updating it on a daily basis. I have always acknowledged the amount of help I have received in building this project. Help from fans - whom I always name and credit - who want to help improve and develop the site and make it as complete as possible. So many people have donated rare films, money, images, stuff from their personal collections, research, books... I am overwhelmed by the level of kindness I have received by so many. There is of course still a long way to go!
If you want to use any of the material on this website I am usually more than willing to say "sure, go ahead" - but please be respectful and add a tiny credit to say where you got the material from. I do it all the time. You only have to check most pages on this site to see a whole list of credits and acknowledgements for sources I have used in compiling the data on the site. It shows respect for THEIR work and it only takes a few seconds to do!